Gelita USA


Boiler Economizer Retrofit


Sergeant Bluff, Iowa

More Information

  • Boiler Repair

Project Details

Rasmussen Mechanical Services was contracted to retrofit a boiler economizer for the Gelita plant in Sergeant Bluff, Iowa. This involved temporarily pulling the boiler stack while the economizer was attached to the boiler and then re-installing the stack.

The economizer captures energy that would normally be lost through the boiler stack and uses it to pre-heat boiler feedwater; increasing efficiency and reducing the risk of thermal shock.

Stack from boiler being pulled for economizer install

Pullies on facility ceiling for boiler economizer

Boiler Economizer being lifted above boiler

Economizer sitting on top of boiler

“By recovering waste heat, an economizer can often reduce fuel requirements by 5% to 10% and pay for itself in less than 2 years.” – US Department of Energy